

Navy and Marines share this state-of-the-art training facility.

46个,199-square-foot Reserve Training Center adjacent to Camp Dodge in Iowa was designed for use by Marine Corps and Navy reservists to increase unit readiness in preparation for combat. The facility includes reconfigurable administration areas, flexible multi-purpose classrooms and a drill hall large enough for training and ceremonies. 配置, 配色方案, finishes and acoustics played major roles in designing the new facility to meet the users’ individual needs while also providing a cohesive design for all to enjoy upon visiting. The project also includes a Vehicle Maintenance Facility and Mixed Martial Arts Pit.

The project was designed with future expansion in mind.

The site was strategically developed to allow for an adjacent training center to be constructed without disrupting major systems, such as the underground utilities or stormwater system. Native grasses were planted in the disturbed area outside of the building site to maintain the agrarian environment further.

Providing opportunity for cross-training with Iowa National Guard.

The new facility was constructed on a greenfield site adjacent to Camp Dodge. Regular meetings with key stakeholders ensured that the new site design had the capability of being integrated into Camp Dodge, one of the largest training facilities in the region. This provides opportunities for cross-training with the Iowa National Guard.

  • 一层,46,199平方英尺预备役训练中心
  • 一层,3254平方英尺的汽车维修设施
  • 400 SF海军陆战队武术坑
  • 办公室/行政区域
  • 教室空间/培训
  • 钻大厅
  • 室内模拟射击教练(ISMT)
  • 外盖武器清洗区
  • Concrete foundations, concrete floor, masonry walls
  • 免下车维修舱
  • 战术车辆停放/存放区
  • 私家车停车场
  • 战术安全围栏
  • 体检室
  • 淋浴/更衣室
  • 反恐/武力保护
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  • 实现了协作, 综合设计方法, including a 可持续性 设计 Charrette in conjunction with the Concept 设计 Workshop
  • 设计ed to take advantage of solar orientation and prevailing winds
  • 设计ed to achieve a 38% energy consumption from baseline based on ASHRAE 90.1-201
  • 调试 was performed on all of the major building systems, including the building envelope
  • Roof areas and at least 50% of the hardscape areas were provided with high solar reflectance index (SRI) materials
  • Plumbing fixtures are low-flow and USEPA 水sense-labeled products
  • All landscaping provided is native or adapted species, 耐旱, 而且不需要灌溉
  • Installed materials meet VOC and emission requirements defined in ASHRAE 189.1 Standard for the 设计 of High-Performance Green Buildings
  • Installed materials include products with recycled content that exceeds 10% by cost and comply with recommendations of the EPA 采购 Guidelines
  • Pending Guiding Principles Compliance for New 建设
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